OUR WORK IS OUR SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: It is just as important to ask, "How can I make this a Soulful task?" as it is to ask, "How do I make my budget?" If we love what we do (Mastery), love the people with whom we do it (Chemistry), and love the reason for doing it (Delivery), work will become our spiritual practice. People are inspired to do what they do well by the love they feel for what they do (Mastery), by the people with whom they share tasks and relationships (Chemistry), and by their commitment to being of service to others (Delivery). The object of our work is to inspire the Soul.
Your work, your subjects, your students, the processes of teaching and learning--do you see how this can be your spiritual practice?

As we begin a new millenium, a number of teachers and leaders are exploring character education, higher levels of consciousness, practicing spiritual disciplines, and envisioning learning that will honor the spirit as well as the intellect. This usually means changing the focus from external things, and using tools such as meditation and contemplation to journey inward. While it takes courage both for teachers and students to explore the personal dimensions of learning, it is a timely and appropriate response to the materialism and consumerism of this era. This experience of inner life, referred to by some as character education, by others as spiritual or emotional intelligence, by still others as developing knowledge of the soul or heart, has led many educators to question the comparable shallowness of the curriculum that has evolved from the Standards and high stakes testing movement. Higher standards, if they are not also deeper standards, thin education to a lifeless and unsustainable shadow of the substance most parents want their children's education to have.

  1. Spirit & Wisdom -- Sites for Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreaming, Recovery, etc.
  2. Why Spirituality in Education?
  3. The Hunger Site
  4. The Soul of Education
  5. The Soul of Education: Helping Students Find Connection,Compassion, and Character at School--Seven Gateways to the Soul of Education
  6. Meaning and Purpose: Chapter 4 from The Soul of Education
  7. Practical Spirituality for Children, Teens, Adults, and Challenged Students
  8. Character Education
  9. Seven Principles of Spirituality in the Workplace
  10. Spirituality & Health Features and Resources
  11. Global Renaissance Alliance
  12. Religion and Spirituality Directory of Links
  13. Self-Knowledge Spiritual Resources
  14. Spiritual Coaching
  15. THE WORK of Byron Katie
  16. Corelight - Dedicated to Inner and Outer Peace
  17. A More Natural Way -- Interesting and insightful pamphlets!
  18. Changing Teachers to Tutors/Mentors/Learning Facilitators
  19. Prime Functions of the Educator in the New Age
  20. Recovering the Sacred in Knowing, Teaching and Learning
  21. Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy FREE Distance Learning Courses -- on Forgiveness, Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Principles of Abundance and Prosperity, and Spiritual Exercises
  22. Gentle Teaching: A Primer
  23. Gentle Teaching: An On-line Book
  24. LearnWell Forgiveness Center
  25. Forgiveness Therapy
  26. Moral Values & Spirituality in Children's & Young Adult Literature
  27. Spiritual Themes in Young Adult Books
  28. Intuition and Spirituality Links
  29. Intuition Resources
  30. The Alice Miller Library Articles on Effective Treatment for Childhood Trauma
  31. HeartMath
  32. The Institute of Heartmath
  33. Heart of Intelligence
  34. What is Heart Intelligence?
  35. Meditation for Children
  36. Calming and Healing Meditations for Children
  37. The Shaligrams
  38. Loving Kindness for Kids
  39. Raising Spiritually Aware Children through Meditation
  40. Indigo Children
  41. Education/Enlightenment
  42. Tew's News and Views
  43. Spirit & Nature Centers
  44. Inner Self Magazine
  45. Plum Village Home Page -- Thich Nhat Hanh's Dharma Talks and other Bhuddist resources!
  46. A Resource Collection for the Contemplative Practitioner
  47. The Word Foundation
  48. The Aware Parenting Institute
  49. Links to Organizations for Community & Personal Empowerment
  50. The Rocamora School
  51. Life-Changing Programs By World-Class Success Coaches!
  52. Marianne Williamson
  53. A Course In Miracles
  54. Deepak Chopra
  55. Gary Zukav
  56. Conversations With God
  57. Richard Moss Seminars
  58. Transformation
  59. Peace Room
  60. BeliefNet: The Home for Spirituality, Religion, and Morality
  61. Taking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum -- An on-line book from ASCD
  62. PeaceBreath
  63. All Spirit Zen
  64. Zen Stories To Tell Your Neighbors
  65. Zen Guide
  66. Caroline Myss
  67. Spirit Walk Teachers
  68. The Toltec Wisdom of don Miguel Ruiz
  69. Wayne Dyer: Spirit Walk
  70. Omega Institute for Holistic Sudies
  71. Ram Dass
  72. Peace Pilgrim Home Page
  73. Transpersonal Psychology: A Course
  74. Association for Transpersonal Psychology
  75. Guide to the Transpersonal Internet
  76. The World of Ken Wilber
  77. Sufism's Many Paths
  78. Standin' In the Need of Prayer
  79. The Association of Unity Churches
  80. HayHouse Publishers
  81. Sounds True
  82. The Spiritual Intelligence Homepage
  83. What Is a Human Being?
  84. BREATH MASTERY -- A New Bedford, Massachusetts practice with proven results!
  85. QUIGONG A research proven approach based on breathing and meditation; can be practiced by anyone!



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