AP Rhetoric and Writing Resources
Rhetoric is the study of effective thinking, writing, and speaking strategies; rhetoricians analyze and evaluate what works and what does not work in a specific context. Composition and rhetoric study writing contexts, how texts are created, how texts interact, and what features make up an effective written text.. To be effective, a text must be developed and organized with a clear context and purpose in mind. Writers must first recognize the rhetorical context, the writing situation, and the purpose their text will serve in this particular context. Writers then need to articulate this purpose and choose specific rhetorical strategies which will achieve it. Depending on the writing context and the writer's thinking style, allegedly (many writers would disagree) many writers draft first, then analyze their strategies. Other writing situations demand that writers plan first, then execute their strategies. All writers check and recheck their thinking strategies as they revise their work. ~MSU Writing Center,
Helen Hadley Porter
- The Forest of Rhetoric -- An all-in-one site!
- Rhetoric
- Rhetorical Terms
- Rhetorical Resources
- Writing a Rhetorical Analysis
- Rhetorical Strategies
- General Rhetorical Strategies (varying appeals)
- Rhetorical Strategies/Devices -- Elements creators of text use to put forth their arguments
- Rhetorical Strategies of Idea Development and Organization
- Persuasion Analysis -- Great site showing some simple ways to analyze complex persuasion techniques of modern advertising and political rhetoric.
- A Short Handbook on Rhetorical Analysis
- Figures of Speech: It Figures A fun and informative site!
- Persuasive words, Logical fallacies and Intent signals
Persuasive words
- A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
- Meter in English Poetry -- a helpful brief review of poetic meter
- AP Language Websites -- Rhetoric and a variety of other useful sites
More on Writing
- The Write Source (Writers INC) Home Page
- Student Writing Models
- Publish It!
- The I-Search Process
- The Writing Process Chart
- Developing A Thesis
- Internet Writing Workshop -- You can now submit works in progress on-line for feedback!
- Online Journal Writing Workshop
- Free-Writing -- Also note the techniques called "Looping" and "Cubing"
- S.C.O.R.E. Activity Bank -- Note Journal options here!
- Pre-writing: Keeping a Journal
- Writer's Resource Center -- fabulously fertile site aimed at the real writer in you
- The Favorite Poem Project
- Helpful handouts for students and teachers
- The Five-Paragraph Essay -- "Because the five-paragraph essay is a chosen vehicle for measuring a student's writing proficiency, it is essential that each master this patterned format writing to score well."
- Guide To Writing A Basic Essay
- Revising Writing -- A PowerPoint presentation; you can advance slides by pressing the keyboard's spacebar
- Composition Resources from Colleges
- Writing a Research Paper -- "Despite the illusion, the research-paper writing process (as with any writing process) is quasi-linear at best."
- Write Your Novel Now -- "A Professional Writer is an Amateur Who Didn't Quit"
- Writing Fiction: A Beginner's Guide -- from Creative Writing for Teens
- Writing Mysteries and Suspense
- Mystery Writing
- Proper Screenwriting Format -- Great sites for Performing Arts Magnet students to learn this aspect of writing and making both an impact and big bucks!
- Creative Writing: A Google Directory
- Creative Writing Resources -- from the Awesome Library
- Character Development Center -- Creating and understanding character is key to writing and reading fiction. This is a great resouce site.
- American Literature Survey
- Outline of American Literature
- American Literature Resources
- Transcendentalism
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Henry David Thoreau
- Others in the Transcendentalist Circle
- Selected Works of Edgar Allen Poe
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The Life and Works of Herman Melville
- The Walt Whitman Archive
- The Dickinson Electronic Archive
- Literature in Latin America -- by country; this site is in Spanish.
- Undoing Racism -- "Racism has been done to everyone in the United States; therefore it can be 'undone'."
- Short Stories
- Mark Twain Resources, including searchable online text of *1*The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Favorite Mark Twain Links
- *2*A Farewell To Arms
- *3*The Grapes of Wrath
- *4*The Catcher In the Rye
- *5*Billy Budd
- *6*The Great Gatsby -- a site by classes in Springfield Massachusetts
- *7*Invisible Man
- *8*On Civil Disobedience
- *9*To Kill A Mockingbird
- Other American Novels and Guides -- Good choices to work on meeting Course Grading Rubric requirements
- 20 Great American Short Stories
- American Literary Classics
- Center for Electronic Projects in American Culture Studies (CEPACS)

Dr. Chad C Osborne
and OZ Associates
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