An interesting and useful way to look at the dynamics of teaching, learning, and living is to take account of the levels of energy we experience--absorbing and transmitting--in classrooms and beyond. Based on both recent clinical research and ancient Chinese medicine, the following energy levels related to emotions give a basis for you to audit the energies that make up your students' and your own style, and the issues you and they will need to address in order to move to higher levels. Most of us spend most of our time in the Middle Energetic Emotional Levels, Pride and Anger in particular. Working twelve-step programs is one way people elevate their emotional energy levels. Use the three charts on the links below to assess the CURRENT and POTENTIAL emotional energy levels you operate from in classrooms and in life. Be honest, and allow for the reality of fluctuation--one level shifting to another--but try to identify where the predominant level of energy is. In a section of private writing in your notebook or a journal, make an "AUDIT" of your emotional energy, CURRENT and POTENTIAL, using these two headings, and try to identify what causes the level to stay current, and what might enable your movement to higher levels.
To conclude this audit, compose a LETTER TO YOURSELF in which you summarize what you have learned, and what you want to do with what you have learned. Decide what of and how you would be willing to share this.
A truly valuable use of this work would to regularly do an energy audit before any potentially stressful task, and work on coming from the highest levels of energy possible.
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