1. This site helps you imagine and envision schools being transformed into Learning Organizations, a movement reflecting business management ventures in the past thirty years call Fifth Dimension organizations. The purpose of this self-directed workshop is to learn more about education in light of the 5th discipline, systems thinking and dynamic modeling, and then to describe your vision of how 5th Discipline Approaches could be incorporated in the operation of schools. Task #1: Coming to Terms This is a distance learning site, concentrating on uses of the Internet for teaching, learning and professional development. It also is intended to give you enough web sites and leads-in to more web sites to be a continuously useful resource for your learning and doing.
2. Consider A Synopsis of Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization.
3. Open-Ended Search and Surfing
4. Develop A Proposal, a hypothetical annotated listing of steps you prose/envision your school taking in order to become a Learning Organization. Since this is a hypothetical proposal, you may do it in your Journal, in draft form. Also consider whether it would be feasible to implement.
Sixteen key process terms are introduced in A Lexicon for Learning Organizations.
The majority of time in using this web page involves your surfing and searching through the following thirty-four sites, in order to develop a sense of how schools might operate if they were based on a Fifth Discipline/Learning Organization viewpoint. Consider these sites to clarify your questions, discoveries, and ideas. Particularly spend time in the first three sites to get an introduction to a vision of the role for systems thinking and dynamic modeling. [See final suggested Task at the end of these links.]