"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn."
- John Cotton Dana

What is Engaged Learning? "Engaged learning is the process in which students actively participate in their learning. Students are involved, beginning on the first day, in the decision making of the course of their study. Students vigorously research, discuss, create projects, and use technology to make discoveries based on their choices. Students are active participants in the learning process. The teacher serves as a "coach or facilitator," guiding students to the desired goal.

"Engaged learning allows students to participate in "real-life" activities through collaboration, exploration, and discovery with peers. Engaged learning projects do not focus on one subject, but the integration of many or all subjects. Assessment in engaged learning can be very diverse. Assessment should be real, continuing, and encouraging."

(Source: Belt, K., et al., Green is Good)

Engaged learning is a key variable in effective schools, best practices, and is the underlying purpose of behavior management and discipline programs.
Exploring these sites will help you explore or expand your awareness of this key teaching/mentoring aspect.


  1. Introduction to Engaged Learning In A Wider Reform Context
  2. Engaged Learning Bookmarks
  3. Engaged Learning Home Page Table of Contents -- Amazingly thorough and rewarding site from the Fermi Labs
  4. Active, Engaged, Meaningful Learning
  5. NCREL's Indicators of Engaged Learning
  6. Engaged Learning -- "In an 'Engaged Learning Model,' the teacher's role progresses from being the "sage on the stage" to being the "guide on the side."
  7. Parent & Family Engagement
  8. Increasing Student Engagement and Motivation: From Time-on-Task to Homework
  9. Simulations and Learning
  10. A Bibliography of Research And Resources on Technology and Engaged Learning
  11. Leadership Institute Integrating Internet, Instruction and Curriculum: High SchoolProjects
  12. Staff Development Home Page
  13. Navigating the Bumpy Road to Student-Centered Instruction
  14. HANDBOOK of ENGAGED LEARNING PROJECTS: High School -- From the Fermi Labs
  15. Hotlist For Teachers
  16. Engaged Learning Indicators
  17. Current Realities and Future Goals
  18. NCREL's Indicators of Engaged Learning
  19. Meaningful, Engaged Learning
  20. Engaged Learning -- A comprehensive site
  21. Evaluating Instruction for Indicators of Engaged Learning -- Very Useful Site!
  22. Teaching Science, Mathematics, and Technology
  23. Science, Mathematics, and Technology For All Americans -- An extremely insightful on-line book


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