How many times will you, and even more, your students change or re-design your careers? Wouldn't you like to help them become more savvy about making career choiceS? Investigate these links so you can direct students to places on the Web where they can find CAREER DESIGN/RE-DESIGN resources.

  1. Careers.Org -- A great one-step multi-link site!
  2. New Teacher Job Search Resources for YOU.
  3. Self Talk: A Positive Thinking Strategy
  4. Planning a Career : A Guided Tour
  5. Career Paths On-line:10 Steps to the Career Planning Process
  6. Career Network - this comprehensive site takes you through the steps you need to follow to discover what you want to be, how to get there, and what you will find once you arrive.
  7. The Career Key - free public service to help people make sound career decisions.
  8. 1998-99 Occupational Handbook - excellent career resource.
  9. Adventures in Education - information about career planning, college selection and financial aid.
  10. Quickest Personality Test on the Web
  11. Career Path Inventory A good place to start if you're looking for information to help you make career choices that are right for you, learn about job prospects for various occupations and the education and training you'll need for those jobs, and develop the tools to get the job you want.
  12. Career Tests - What Career is right for you?
  13. Self-Assessment Career Survey
  14. Personality Test- on-line personality test which scores results according to the Myers-Briggs system.
  15. Index of Personality Traits for the Myers-Briggs Test
  16. Personality Sorter - in depth information about you personality results.
  17. Your Career Profile - Answer 24 quick questions to find out what kind of careers would be right for you.
  18. The Career Interest Game - this is a game designed to help you match your interests and skills with similar careers.
  19. Life Colors Questionnaire - What Kind of Person Are You?
  20. Career Path Assessment - a guide to help you make a decision about your career path so you can develop an educational plan.
  21. What Is A Career Pathway?
  22. What Are The Purposes Of A Career Pathway?
  23. Explore Career Pathways
  24. More Career Pathways - valuable information about career development planning.
  25. Career Paths - narrow down that career choice, gain professional insight intoindividual careers, and learn interview, cover letter, and resume tips.
  26. Career Paths
  27. Career Center - locating majors.
  28. Career Guides - guides for specific careers.
  29. Career Development Manual - Steps to Career/Life Planning Success.
  30. Exploring Career Paths
  31. Career and Education
  32. Future Scan - career guide
  33. Job-Smart: Career Guides - information about planning your career.
  34. Tech Quest 2000 - designed to get students thinking about their futures.
  35. Career Exploration Links - explore your career and educational options within this database.
  36. Career Choices - an excellent resource for career choice information on a variety of occupations.
  37. Career Resources - complete and extensive index of career related web sites.
  38. Career Resource Center
  39. Career Mosaic's Career Resource Center - all the tools you'll need to put your career on the fast track..
  40. Career Resources
  41. Edugeneology - an interactive site that helps you target your future.
  42. Pathways to: Associated Careers -Allied Health Professions; Administrative and Financial Services; and Business Ownership and Operations
  43. Today's Exciting Careers
  44. Military Careers
  45. Careers in Accounting
  46. School- to- Work: Training Fields
  47. So You Want To Be A........
  48. What Can I Do With A Major In....?
  49. Pre-Law - pre-legal education and lots of job and career links.
  50. Thinking about Law School? - information about preparing for Law School.
  51. Careers in Science
  52. Occupational Information-career options.
  53. Criminal Justice Resource Page
  54. MOIS - Career Clusters
  55. Career Planning Puzzle Pieces
  56. Career Links On The Net
  57. Employment Projections Home Page - site for projections for the fastest growing occupations and industries, labor force statistics, and contact information for your state.
  58. USA Today Job Bank - job opportunities from top companies across the globe.
  59. Guides to Resume Writing
  60. Salaries By Major and Occupation
  61. USNews 1998 Best Jobs for the Future
  62. CareerWeb - jobs, employment, and careers.
  63. Career Doctor
  64. Princeton Review Online's Career Find-O-Rama - a career search database.
  65. Resume Writing Center
  66. ExPAN Career Search - an excellent career search database.


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