In a society and in schools experiencing a variety of ethnic groups and personality differences, conflicts are bound to arise. "Principled negotiating" skills are important enough for both teachers and students to learn them--learning to manage conflict, rather than avoid it. These skills are certain to be useful in personal, interpersonal, school, work, family and social conflicts. If we can teach students ways to live peaceably with each other, this is an important step to providing peace in the wider world.
- Conflict Resolution Education: Four Approaches
- Negotiation Skills, Techniques and Strategies
- Principled Negotiation
- Negotiation Articles
- Conflict Resolution Education A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools -- Scroll down to find excellent suggestions and background
- International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict
- More Constructive Approaches to Difficult and Intractable Conflicts
- CRInfo: A Comprehensive Gateway to Conflict Resolution Resources
- Conflict Resolution: Education
- Teaching Materials: K-12
- Conflict Problems & Problem Treatments -- Notice the parallel tables of problems and coping strategies
- The Negotiation Skills Company
- Fighting Fires Without Burning Bridges
- The Program of Negotiation at Harvard University
- Undoing Racism -- "Racism has been done to everyone in the United States; therefore it can be 'undone'."
Dr. Chad C. Osborne and OZ Associates
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