HighSchoolInterns.com -- HighSchoolInterns.com is a non-profit dedicated to the task of bringing reputable companies together with talented students. Employers post the internships on HighSchoolInterns.com, and high school students search the site to find the right internship opportunity and apply.
InternshipPrograms.com Use InternshipPrograms.com to post your résumé to employers who are exclusively looking for interns! You can also search our extensive database of internships, read internship reviews or create your own real-intern profile
Idealist.org -- Allows you to search for internships at nonprofits such as environmental groups
Hurry Up, Grow up -- Citing concerns about disengaged students and the need to compete within a global marketplace, seven states are requiring all public high school students to choose career paths, sometimes as early as freshman year.
Bench to Bedside -- With our high school program in place we essentially have created a STEP-UP program that opens opportunities for high school students to participate in laboratory science as undergraduates.” The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles