Motivating Teachers for Excellence. ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management -- Recent studies have shown fairly conclusively that teachers are motivated more by intrinsic than by extrinsic rewards. Pastor and Erlandson (1982) conducted a survey which found that teachers perceive their needs and measure their job satisfaction by factors such as participation in decision-making, use of valued skills, freedom and independence, challenge, expression of creativity, and opportunity for learning. They concluded that high internal motivation, work satisfaction, and high-quality performance depend on three "critical psychological states": experienced meaningfulness, responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of results.
Motivating Teachers to Improve Instruction -- "A motivated teacher, as described here, is one who not only feels satisfied with his or her job, but also is empowered to strive for excellence and growth in instructional practice."
Seven Habits Condensed Summaries -- Don't have time to read Steven Covey's book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Take a look at summary articles written by Michael Gray.