"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn."
- John Cotton Dana

Motivating Teens, Teachers, and Parents

    Motivating Teens

  1. Teens and School Success -- New Report Focuses on How to Promote Teens' Academic Success
  2. Motivating the Underachiever
  3. Motivation Matters
  4. Is it Possible to Motivate Your Teen?
  5. Tips on Motivating Teenagers to do Better in School
  6. Some Ideas for Motivating Students
  7. Student Motivation to Learn
  8. Motivating teens who do not want to learn
  9. How do you motivate a teenager?
  10. Motivating Your Teen to Do Better In School
  11. Ways Busy Parents Can Help Teens Succeed in High School
  12. How Do You Motivate a Teen?
  13. Motivating Reluctant Teens to Read
  14. 3-Minute Motivators -- More Than 100 Simple Ways to Reach, Teach, and Achieve...
  15. Mission Statement Builder for Teens
  16. Article Library of Franklin Covey -- Many articles helpful to teens and their parents and teachers
  17. Guide to School-Based Effective Programs for Children and Youth -- Great links!
  18. Counseling High School Teens
  19. Google Search on Motivating Teens + School -- About 835,000 sites

    Motivating Teachers

  1. Motivating Teachers: A Wire Side Chat with Todd Whitaker
  2. Motivating Teachers for Excellence. ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management -- Recent studies have shown fairly conclusively that teachers are motivated more by intrinsic than by extrinsic rewards. Pastor and Erlandson (1982) conducted a survey which found that teachers perceive their needs and measure their job satisfaction by factors such as participation in decision-making, use of valued skills, freedom and independence, challenge, expression of creativity, and opportunity for learning. They concluded that high internal motivation, work satisfaction, and high-quality performance depend on three "critical psychological states": experienced meaningfulness, responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of results.
  3. Hard Work and High Expectations: Motivating Students to Learn
  4. Motivating Teachers to Improve Instruction -- "A motivated teacher, as described here, is one who not only feels satisfied with his or her job, but also is empowered to strive for excellence and growth in instructional practice."
  5. Motivating Teachers and Students Through a Placed-Based Experience
  6. Teacher/Staff Motivation -- Great links!
  7. Motivating Students And Teachers In An Era Of Standards
  8. Building Trusting Relationships for School Improvement: Implications for Principals and Teachers

    Motivating Parents

  1. QuickTips—Motivating Parents (High School)
  2. Worried Parents Seek Safe Activities for Teen-Agers
  3. Motivating Parent Accountability
  4. Parent Involvement in Student Career Planning
  5. Moving beyond bake sales
  6. The Family and Essential Schools: Mobilizing Democracy Toward Equity
  7. Parent and Family Engagement

    Motivating Administrators

  1. Who Motivates the Motivator?
  2. Motivation Matters: A Workbook for School Change
  3. The Ethical Dimensions of School Leadership
  4. Leadership Practices of Successful Principals
  5. Leadership Development Planning -- A richly valuable site
  6. Index of Topics in the Free Management Library -- Many links!
  7. Collaborative Mobilizing for Education Reform
  8. Seven Habits Condensed Summaries -- Don't have time to read Steven Covey's book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Take a look at summary articles written by Michael Gray.


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