Each of these links brings you to a page of numerous links for teachers. Hours of surfing and discovery await you!

  2. OOPS: Our Overnight Planning System--A vast array of useful sites!<
  4. TEACHERS HELPING TEACHERS--Dr. Scott Mandel's abundant supply of links and sources for any teacher
  5. TEACHER TALK FORUM--This and the previous link are favorite sources of teachers' best ideas for teachers!
  6. The Blue Web'n --Prize-winning sites, projects, tutorials etc.
  7. Carrie's Crazy Quilt--Broad, rich, deep on all subjects and levels
  8. The Mining Company --All subjects, all levels + more!
  9. DAVID LEVIN'S LEARNING@WEB SITES--Aimed at high school level but with many links valuable for others--literally hundreds of sites!
  10. WEB SITES AND RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS--Awesome array of sites, activities, lesson plans, games, and other resources--all levels and subjects (including Art and Music!)
  11. KATHY SCHROCK'S GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS--Long-time favorite "pointer-to-pointers" for educators' interests in countless areas
  12. WHAT-U-SEEK: TEACHER HELP--Madeline Hunter's effective teaching tips, plus more!
  13. K-12 ON THE INTERNET --Another rich source of sites
  14. BUSY TEACHER'S WEB SITE K-12--Range and depth of links in all subjects and levels
  15. TEACH 2000 Site Index--Rich and varied site with both curriculum and web use links
  16. THE NEW TEACHER PAGE--Superb array of resources, well-designed site, with NEW and TO-BE teachers in mind
  17. THE EDUCATOR'S TOOL--Well organized site, complementary to this one, with many useful links
  18. EUCATIONAL SITES and RESOURCES--A ton of links collected by Quaboag Regional High of Warren, Massachusetts
  19. PITSCO'S LAUNCH TO EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES--Outstanding selection of sites for all areas and levels
  20. ED WEB HOME ROOM--Terrific and logstanding site with lots about reform and curriculum
  21. Early Childhood Educators' And Family Web Corner--Best Site for this Level!
  22. My Virtual Reference Desk--Over 10,000 comprehensive links
  23. Next Step Magazine - articles on all aspects of the important transition period from high school to what lies beyond
  24. - place for kids to gain support from other youths on peer pressure issues
  25. - resources to help adults help kids adapt and grow through loss
  26. - online community to enhance communication between students and companies
  27. EssayEdge - world's premier college application essay editing service
  28. Middle School Partnership - aims to provide middle school educators with tools to make positive change within their school communities
  29. Textbook Information Network - search for and compare textbook titles
  30. XAP - apply to colleges online, seek out financial aid, and plan for tests and career choices
  31. CollegeNet - lets applicants complete, file, and pay for their admissions applications entirely through the Internet for over 500 colleges and universities, as well as search for colleges and scholarships
  32. - over 18,000 tutors are building meaningful relationships with learners in the classroom and in face-to-face sessions
  33. - encourages discussion among professionals in education, the justice system, parents, students and the community
  34. - hundreds of online distance education to advance your career
  35. The Internet Public Library - library services for the Internet community
  36. - wealth of information about college life, organized visually as various buildings on a college campus
  37. - free online homework resource center
  38. You Can Handle Them All - discipline model for over one hundred misbehaviors at school and at home
  39. America Goes Back to School - make the most of the back-to-school time by launching or expanding family-school-community partnerships
  40. Girl Power! - helps encourage and motivate 9- to 14- year-old girls to make the most of their lives
  41. Freevibe - drug prevention messages for kids
  42. - career assessment that matches your talents and goals with career profiles, links to courses related to hundreds of careers, and more
  43. Study Guides and Strategies - suggestions on many study skill topics
  44. B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper - search engine tips and Web sites to help you find information on any school topic
  45. GOTSchool Teachers - find and review educational resources
  46. - powerful new way to quickly assess students' academic strengths and weaknesses, and provide immediate feedback and tailored educational resources for improving performance
  47. Physical Education Digest - quarterly magazine with the latest ideas, tips, coaching cues and research on sports, fitness and physical education topics from around the world
  48. Youth Crime Watch of America - brings youth of all backgrounds together to identify and correct problems unique to their schools and communities
  49. GOTSchool Fundraising - allows schools nationwide to effectively and safely raise funds in their communities
  50. CyberU - provides individuals with access to online courses and resources offered by universities and educational institutions worldwide
  51. SchoolHouse Rock - words, videos, sound files, trivia and history for all of your favorite Grammar Rock, Multiplication Rock, America Rock, Science Rock, and Scooter Computer & Mr. Chips songs
  52. Sports Illustrated for Kids - sports articles on news and athletes, sports trivia, polls, fantasy sports and games
  53. Quia! - short for Quintessential Instructional Archive; directory of thousands of teacher-created online games and quizzes in over 40 subject areas, templates for creating eight different types of online games, tools for creating online quizzes and more
  54. - created to give people a fast and easy way to find out how to do a variety of real-world activities, whether it's finding out how to change the oil in a car, make Cajun hot sauce or even throw a knuckleball
  55. National School Safety Center - information and resources and identifying strategies and promising programs which support safe schools for school children worldwide
  56. The History of Education and Childhood - international collection of links to online information about the history of education and childhood
  57. - provides teens with a safe, anonymous and personalized resource to help them work out the problems and stresses that can strike any child growing up; developed by teens
  58. National PTA - oldest and largest volunteer association in the United States working exclusively on behalf of children and youth
  59. - dedicated to assuring academic work originality and maintaining high standards of ethics by providing institutes of learning with an easy means of deterring and detecting plagiarism
  60. Letsfindout Kids' Encyclopedia - searchable and browsable online research tool and homework helper from Knowledge Adventure
  61. - organized Internet search guide to more than 75,000 links in over 9,000 subjects
  62. American School Directory - With over 108,000 individual Web Sites, this revolutionary Internet resource provides every K-12 school in America, public and private, a free Internet presence and identity
  63. - official online destination for the Times Square 2000 celebration
  64. EarthCam for Kids - search engine connecting kids with Webcams all over the world in a variety of different areas of interest
  65. How Christmas Works - origins and traditions, both ancient and modern, of the holiday and the season
  66. Pitsco's Ask an Expert - connects you with hundreds of real world experts, ranging from astronauts to zookeepers, who volunteer to answer your questions
  67. Game Central Station - over 245 games for preschool through 12th grade in a fully searchable database by any combination of game name, grade, skills, related sport, and location
  68. 2001 Colleges, College Scholarships, and Financial Aid Page - designed to offer college-bound students, parents, and counselors easy access to information on colleges and universities throughout the United States
  69. KidSource Online - high-quality educational and healthcare content personalized to parents, categorized by the major child age groups
  70. Puzzlemaker - create a wide variety of puzzles and games
  71. The Digital Education Network - special learning areas or DENs that present up-to-date information and interactive features
  72. College PowerPrep - training tools to help students prepare for their SATs and ACTs, such as free weekly "classrooms," daily tips for SATs and ACTs, vocabulary builders, college advice and much more
  73. Library Spot - virtual library resource center
  74. The Internet Scout Project - timely information to the education community about valuable Internet resources
  75. Study Web - free directory service that categorizes and reviews over 28,000 educational and reference Web sites
  76. Electric SchoolHouse - connects parents, teachers and kids in a free, educational online environment
  77. - manage critical steps in the transition to higher education, including school selection, recruiting and admissions
  78. The College Board - academic preparation and transition to higher education for students around the world
  79. Teach With Movies - using mainstream movies as a teaching tool
  80. Pieces and Creases: A Fun Guide to Origami - in-depth look at the Japanese art of paper folding
  81. HEAVEN (Helping Educate, Activate, Volunteer and Empower Via the Net) - volunteer efforts and opportunities to help students find out where, when, how and why they can make a difference
  82. MiddleWeb - explores the challenges of middle grades reform with a special focus on urban middle schools
  83. McREL Content Knowledge Standards and Benchmarks - searchable list of content standards for grades K-12 based on numerous national and state standards
  84. AskERIC - virtual library of lesson plans, special projects, education mailing lists, resources, research, and news
  85. Virtual Schoolhouse K-12 Internet Links - teaching resource using the categories Classrooms, Principal's Office, Art Room, Library, Computer Lab, Teacher's Lounge, and Playground
  86. EducationWorld - search through education topics, and also provides resources, links to schools on-line, message boards, news, and curriculum
  87. SIRS Research Database - articles from domestic and international newspapers, magazines, journals, and government publications from 1998 to present
  88. CyberBee - using the Web as an instructional tool
  89. Developing Educational Standards - organized by state and subject area
  90. U.S. Department of Education - education news, student financial assistance information, programs, publications, and links
  91. - find schools and resources by browsing a number of categories
  92. Houghton Mifflin's Education Place - provides forums, centers for math, language arts, and social studies, and the ability to search for activities and projects
  93. ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education - dedicated to urban students, their families, and the educators who serve them