Problem-Based Learning engages students with fuzzy, messy problems such as we encounter in real life. Students work in teams with projects they develop based on higher order thinking, collaboration, communication, and "just-in-time" learning of content and skills. In the current climate of standards and frameworks, this is a powerful teaching method for addressing a number of standards simultaneously and economically. Portfolio assessment relates Problem-Based Learning to particular frameworks and benchmarks. Explore the links below to learn more and see examples of this strategy, currently used in about 80% of medical schools, as well as K-12!
- What Is PBL? -- Superb resource from San Diego State University with advice on every aspect of PBL; follow the "next page" buttons.
- The Center for Problem-Based Learning
- Project Based Learning
- PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING -- Great site with teacher education information, as well
- INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING -- Sites to explore open-ended teaching
- WebQuests and Problem-Based Learning -- Great ideas and examples!
-- Variety of articles from experiences with PBL at the university level
- Project-Based Learning
- Project Based Learning: What Works
- THE PROJECT APPROACH TO LEARNING IN ECE -- See it "live" at the ALL School in Worcester
- Disadvantages of Problem Based Learning
Realistic survey of some of the obstacles that need to be overcome
- Problem Based Learning Overview and Resources
-- Science examples
- Constructivism Resources -- The case for problem-based learning
- Social Constructivism: Case-based Instruction -- Case Study Methods of learning
- Learner-Centered Classrooms, Problem-Based Learning, and the Construction of Understanding and Meaning by Students -- A Critical Area in Education
- PBL Activities -- Great Examples
- IN-SITES for BRAIN-COMPATIBLE LEARNING -- Revolutionary implications from cognitive neuro-science
- IN-SITES for SERVICE LEARNING -- Combining service and academics, an excellent context for problem-based learning
LEARNWELL (Real-Life Problems)
- LearnWell Certificates -- Many short on-line courses in health and ethics with projects; free or for credit via distance learning
We are available for consulting and other services.
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