What Is Personalized Learning? -- Personalized Learning is a leading, "21st century" approach to education that tailors learning according to the individual needs of each student.
Big Picture Schools -- The Big Picture Company believes that schools must be personalized, educating every student equally, ONE STUDENT AT A TIME. Each student’s learning plan should grow out of his or her unique needs, interests, and passions. We believe that the education system must ensure that students and families are active participants in the design and authentic assessment of each child’s learning.
Personalized Learning in Detracked Classrooms -- The School Administrator asks " Does personalized schooling require individualized curricula? Is it possible to provide a personalized learning environment even while holding high learning expectations for all students?"
A New Way of Learning: Innovative School Models -- Progressive secondary school programs focus on personalized education, development of self-esteem, and cultivation of learning and life skills.
No Two Are Quite Alike -- We cannot teach students well if we do not know them well. At its heart, personalized learning requires profound shifts in our thinking about education and schooling.
Research Link / Giving Our Students the Time of Day -- Time should be adjusted to meet the individual needs of learners, rather than the administrative convenience of adults. The dimensions of time in the learning process extend far beyond whether one student needs more time and another can do with less. The flexible use of time can permit more individualized instruction.
Personalized Learning -- When learning is personalized, schools help students assess their own interests and talents, create a plan for achieving their personal goals, and demonstrate what they know and can do using a variety of media and clear standards—all with the close support of teachers and mentors.
Breaking Ranks II & High School Reform -- Breaking Ranks II engages principals, teacher leaders, and the entire school community in reforming the American high school into an academically rigorous, personalized learning environment that is improved through collaborative leadership.
Personalizing learning in urban high schools -- Ongoing small school reforms may help provide the personalization needed to make schooling relevant and engaging, but without self-devised personal learning plans, students will never attain the levels of autonomy, self-directedness, and responsibility that are crucial in the global age.
Position Statement: Smaller Learning Communities -- One approach to personalize the high school setting and improve student achievement is to create smaller learning communities within large schools where every student is provided with an adult advocate and the opportunity to develop a relationship with a staff member.
Guidelines for Personalized Learning Plans -- The Personalized Learning Plan is expected to be developmental, i.e. to change over time. Goals in it should be both short and long term.
Two Schools: Two Approaches to Personalized Learning -- The authors believe that the kind of vital personalization exemplified at Haney and Parker -- not state testing or rigid standardization -- must become the cornerstone of school renewal if educators and the communities they serve hope to change, in any significant way, the basic grammar of schooling.
Personalized Instruction -- From Phi Delta Kappan, this article gives a solid overview of the elements of personalized learning environments, including PLPs.