Working and Playing with Subpersonalities

  1. A Group of Ten Hermetic and Mystical Exercises To Unfold the Perfect Model -- Exercises to help you as an ego personality to open up your horizon and experience Cosmic Consciousness, Absolute Consciousness, Buddha Nature or Christ Consciousness, the Source of which is the Real You.
  2. What are Subpersonalities? -- One of the most harmful illusions that can beguile us is probably the belief that we are an indivisible, immutable, totally consistent being.
  3. Introduction to the Mystery of Being -- The purpose of this website is to encourage interested seekers to discover the true Self which is the center of Absolute Being within oneself and is linked to the same center as the Source of Primordial Wisdom. You will also find many essays on Gnosticism, Hermetic and Mystical concepts concerning: the Ego, Consciousness,- Being, Soul, Psyche, which are different and interrelated aspects of the same subject and which could help you the seeker unfold your personal spiritual “seed ideas” and concepts.
  4. A Multitude of Lives: Working With Subpersonalities and
  5. Working With Subpersonalities, 2 -- The basic purpose of "inner work" is to help you release the inner Qualities and Energies that are dwelling and slumbering in your Being. Prior to this, the purpose of these exercises and meditations are to help integrate and synthesize your personal ego with the Soul
  6. Examples of Subpersonalities -- Based on the work of Roberto Assagioli and recently rediscovered by cognitive pscyhologists as schemas
  7. Subpersonalities and Psychosynthesis -- The theoretical framework of this session is a transpersonal method of counseling called Psychosynthesis, an approach which takes rich advantage of hypnotic techniques to facilitate psychological exploration, healing, development and transformation. Clients enter a state of deep relaxation in order to let go of or disidentify from the stress, roles and responsibilities they bring to the session, and to focus their awareness on the dynamic energies that exist within them. Through a technique of mental imagery called active imagination, they pull together into personifications called subpersonalities their scattered, relatively autonomous, and often unconscious patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving and are thus able to picture these internal dynamics in an objective, vivid, and creative way.
  8. Exercise your Subpersonalities -- This exercise has been designed to help identify principal subpersonalities.
  9. Therapeutic Metaphors & Clinical Hypnosis -- Once there was a well known philosopher and scholar who devoted himself to the study of Zen for many years. On the day that he finally attained enlightenment, he took all of his books out into the yard, and burned them all.
  10. Levels of the Self -- The Divided Self, Subpersonalities, The Personal Self, The Higher Self, and the Synthesis of all together
  11. The Higher Self -- This "something" at the centre of our being has many names:
  12. The Rainbows of Happiness -- We tend to have the illusion that a person's 'self'is "indivisible and inalterable without change, and always continues to completely stay the same". Even so, through this concept, many problems are being caused. Actually, it is the opposite, for several various contradicting diversified inner aspects or what can be called the'small selves within one's self'exist within us. They are called the "Subpersonality."
  13. God-Mind Experiencing Itself -- Physical realities are the natural Self-Compartmentalizations of God-Mind exploring Itself. In True Reality, God-Mind can never separate from Itself, only create this illusion for the purpose of exploring Its own totality. Physical realities provide a vehicle for this Grand Internal Dissection.
  14. A Counselling Meditation for Self Awareness -- In terms of spiritual growth, knowing where to begin is equivalent to becoming familiar with one's personal qualities and character. It is only by gaining an understanding, and then mastery, of our inner psychological dynamics that we can hope to tackle the further esoteric challenges that spiritual development can present.
  15. Voice Dialogue -- Voice dialogue is a tool for communication, based on the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung.Jung introduced the concept of "archetypes": basic patterns in human beings that are present in people all over the world. Based on these archetypes is the "psychology of selves", which is the basis of voice dialogue. The assumption is that we consist of different "selves", subpersonalities who each play their own role within the person. Voice dialogue helps you to find out which subpersonalities in particular help us to survive in the world.
  16. Voice Dialogue Articles -- An introduction to "the Psychology of Selves."
  17. Subpersonalities and the Growth of Ego -- We use, in humanistic NLP, the politico-constitutional metaphor. The subpersonalities are, from this point of view, like political parties or movements which compete, with methods which are not always democratic, to define the political line of the nation.
  18. Ego States in Transactional Analysis -- Interesting site to explore Erc Berne's work from the 1970's on giving voice to multiple inner states.
  19. Consciousness and the Shaman's Way -- Alternative States of Consciousness in Shamanism, Imaginal Therapy, Hynotherapy and Meditation
  20. Harmonizing Subpersonalities -- If you listen to yourself, observe yourself in action, you will soon get to recognise your main subpersonalities. More about some of the main subpersonalities we all have:
  21. The Intuitive Self: Subpersonality Families -- Using the chakra metaphor as an organizing framework, this table groups subpersonalities into seven families.
  22. The Intuitive Self: Romancing the Shadow -- "The longer I romanced shadow shelves, the clearer it became that a divine union called out for consummation." Particularly note the section on the Anima. Jung distinguished four broad stages of the anima in the course of a man's psychological development.
  23. Overcoming Test Anxiety by Countering Negative Self-Talk -- The truth is that it's what we say to ourselves in response to any particular situation that mainly determines our mood and feelings. Often we say it so quickly and automatically that we don't even notice, and so we get the impression that the external situation "makes" us feel the way we do. But it's really our interpretations and thoughts about what is happening that form the basis of our feelings...
  24. Disidentification--Psychosynthesis--With Some Reservations -- Thoughtful paper and links
  25. Be Your Own Therapist -- An on-line self-help book


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