SAGING, While Aging

The last decades are for Elders to reap the harvest of their days, their wisdom. Street corner wisdom says, “Old Age is not for sissies!” but does not tell us what Old Age is for. The Conscious Aging movement declares: old age is the season for Elders to review their lives, name lessons learned, gather the fruit of their days. Old Age is for Harvesting a Lifetime: a time to reclaim and preserve the wisdom of the ages, nurture visions of how life and love may thrive, master inner disciplines for healing wounds which cripple the future.

  1. Saging: How to Grow Older and Wiser
  2. Saging - Not Aging -- by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
  3. Saging While Aging -- text of a sermon on this topic
  4. Conscious Aging: Nurturing an New Vision of Longevity
  5. Connie Goldman Production -- Useful links!
  6. Creativity & Aging, Creative Elderhood
  7. Creative Elderhood Resources
  8. Imagine Aging. Express yourself. It's vital.
  9. The Spiritual Dimensions of Conscious Aging: Resources
  10. Conscious Aging: Nurturing A New Vision of Longevity
  11. The Spiritual Eldering® Institute -- A multi-faith organization dedicated to the spiritual dimensions of aging and conscious living, to affirming the importance of the elder years, and to teaching individuals how to harvest their life's wisdom and transform it into a legacy for future generations.
  12. Spiritual Eldering Links
  13. Conscious Aging: A New Level of Growth in Later Life
  14. Strategies for Cognitive Vitality
  15. Awakening to the Aging Process
  16. Crones & Sages
  17. Crone ~ Wise Woman ~ Elder
  18. Birthing The Crone
  19. Welcome to Crone Chronicles
  20. The Crone Papers
  21. Age Wave -- Implications of the coming trends
  22. Growing Men -- Issues and articles from the men's movement
  23. Wisdom Resources

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