Middle school youngsters have seen in excess of 8,000 killings, a hundred thousand more acts of violence on T.V. The head-banging World Wrestling Federation, killing practice video games like Doom; even preschoolers, who watch over 20 hours a week of TV and videos, 90% of which contain violence. Students need to learn constuctive ways of handling conflict and the emotions it arouses.
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention Workshops -- from PaxEduCare
- A Conflict Resolution Page
- Conflict Resolution Programs in Schools--ERIC Digest 74
- Conflict Resolution Programs in Schools
- Practitioner Assessment of Conflict Resolution Programs--ERIC Digest
- Conflict Research Consortium
- Negotiation, Mediation & Conflict Management for a Changing World
- Conflict Resolution Tips for Parents
- Conflict Resolution Education: Four Approaches
- Ten Web Sites for Exploring Conflict Resolution in the Classroom
- Conflict Resolution Fact Sheet
- The Center for Conflict Resolution
- Mediation Site Link List
- Teaching for Tolerance
- Conflict Resolution
- Safe Schools
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