Course #16 in the additional menu of on-line courses and workshops also available; Staff Development Courses; Workshops.
Raising Scores
- Expectations for Students
- Turning It Around for All Youth: From Risk to Resilience -- The power to transform is in all of us.
- Strategies that Enhance Setting High Expectations for All Students -- Excellent summary of effective schools report and recommendations; two pages of worthy wisdom.
- Aiming High Tool Kit -- A richly resourceful guide from California's Department of Education for improving High Schools, with standards-based reform
- The OSI Wave Series -- Florida's Office of School Improvement provides great advice and resources. Also see their pdf file articles, particularly #9 (Aligning Curriculum, Instruction and Standards).
- Raising Expectations to Improve Student Learning
- Teaching to Academic Standards
- Rhode Island Standards and State Frameworks -- Truly top quality
- Standards By Subject Matter and By State
- A Vision of Standards-Based Reform -- with news and resources
- Schools of Hope -- Key features of "Best Practice" in successful schools, particularly for "at-risk" students.
- Best Practices -- Many links and aspects to current views on best practices.
- School-To-Work Transition -- An often underemphasized but powerful aspect of meeting students' needs.
- Technology and Learning
- City Schools -- This first issue of CITYSCHOOLS focused on the strengths of city children and teenagers, asking schools to put aside deficit models for understanding urban children and replace them with resilience models.
- Is Your School Ready for Standards-Based Reform? -- Schools, teachers and students "will 'meet standards' only if all aspects of school cultures support better student work, caring relationships that nurture positive beliefs about effort, and a collegial professional climate that fosters teachers' capacity to effectively help students do better work."
- Schools Within Schools
- Working Hand in Hand to Educate Children: Tips for Parents, Families, Teachers -- Good "division of labor" suggestions!
- Assessment Matters! Toward Authentic Assessment -- Numerous links to broaden and deepen a school's and teacher's use of assessment.
- Inclusion -- Numerous links and insights; the label "learning disabled" is a largely self-fulfilling prophecy that has compounded problems for at-risk students.
- Depth vs. "Coverage" in Teaching and Standardized Test Prep
- Students Against Testing (SAT!)
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