Parent and Family Engagement

When schools, homes, and communities agree that they are stronger together than apart, students will be able to thrive academically and personally. That is the hope held out by these reports from the field. When combined with Small Schools By Choice, parents and other concerned adults can see welcome where once there were walls, and both family involvement and reduced school size can work the magic they have been doing across all ages of students and family situations and experiences.

  1. Working Hand in Hand to Educate Children: Tips for Parents, Families and Teachers
  2. School, Family, and Community Partnerships
  3. Motivating Teens, Teachers, and Parents
  4. Partnering with Families and Communities -- The National Network of Partnership Schools shares promising ways to reach out to families and communities.
  5. Creating a School Community -- The author reviews community-building activities, from buddy programs to activities for students and parents to do at home.
  6. Free -- Communicate with Spanish-speaking stakeholders with the aid of this amazing site!

  7. School, Family and Community Partnerships -- RMC Research Corporation offers research and resources that support best practices in developing School, Family & Community Partnerships.
  8. Project Appleseed -- An award winning and varied site for school-community partnerships
  9. "Leave No Parent Behind" Report Card -- A 30-item report card that details what parents and other adults can do
  10. The Parental Involvement Pledge
  11. El Compromiso de Participación de los Padres -- Spanish version of The Parental Involvement Pledge
  12. Fitness and Nutrition Pledge -- Stakeholders have a vested interest in helping students have good health and nutrition, rather than to fall victim to Fast Foods.
  13. Right Question -- Formulating Good Questions is at the heart of stakeholder effectiveness
  14. Developmental Tasks of Adolescents -- The developmental tasks stakeholders can collaborate in helping teens achieve
  15. The Human Lifespan: Life Stages, Developmental Tasks, and Psychosocial Crisis -- Developmental Tasks, childhood through adulthood
  16. A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement
  17. High Schools as Communities in Communities -- Teachers and students at the Met School in Providence, Rhode Island, have implemented several programs that build school and neighborhood learning communities together. These programs have had a positive impact on school climate, parent engagement, and student learning.
  18. Research & Resources On Block and 4X4 Scheduling
  19. The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance -- Violent video games lead to violent behaviors by students
  20. The Electronic Effect: Television, Video Game and Computer Exposure's Impact on Learning -- Young people spend an average of 23 hours a week in front of the television set – more time than they spend doing any other activity besides sleeping. And that's hurting our kids.
  21. Parenting for an Age of Information: Preparing Your Daughter or Son for the Next Century -- Fascinating look at probable future needs of our children
  22. Strategic Community Engagement – A Resource Guide -- A Gates Foundation Paper
  23. Community Engagement Web Site -- Engaging community members in problem-solving solutions to issues that affect them
  24. Parent and Family Involvement
  25. It's All in the Family: Planning High-Quality Family Literacy Events
  26. Beyond Homework Help: How Any Parent Can Raise a Mathematically Powerful Child - (Even when you can't do the math)
  27. Raising SAT, ACT, PSAT Scores -- without prep classes
  28. Making Family and Community Connections
  29. Developing Effective Multiple Partnerships
  30. Web Wonders -- Children and young people need caring adults in their lives. Have we lost sight of this basic need? Here are Web sites that can refocus us.
  31. Listen First -- Schools cannot meet the challenges of reform without first doing a better job of connecting with parents and the public.
  32. Safe Schools
  33. Advisory Resources
  34. Middle School Partnership
  35. School, Family, and Community Partnerships--Resources
  36. Parent Information and Resource Center Web Links
  37. Family Involvement and Beyond -- "School-Based Child and Family Support Programs" explores how schools and families can move beyond the "finger-pointing stage" and forge partnerships to promote the optimal development of all children.
  38. Parents: Let's Talk
  39. Do Your Teens Seem Like Aliens? -- Resources for parents and teenagers to help improve mutual understanding and communication
  40. From ZZZZZ's to A's -- Sleep needs of adolescents
  41. A Wake-Up Call to Educators: Be Alert To Sleep Needs and Habits of Teens
  42. The Teen Brain Is A Work In Progress
  43. Go Ask Alice -- "Tell-It-Like-It-Is" information on matters teens care about
  44. Mental Health & Psychology Resources Online
  45. The Medical Basis of Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Problems, and Drug Use On-line book
  46. Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention--Archives
  47. Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention--Programs That Work
  48. Safe Schools
  49. Life Matters: Pathways To Better Parenting - Rich site for parents; a positive approach to parents who may have missed out on learning how to parent.
  50. Community Involvement -- Provides tools for involving your community in the change and technology planning and implementation processes

    The next several sites have resources that can prove helpful to parents, families and students. It is fairly easy to create classroom web pages with links such as these, homework and project assignments, puzzles, activity and other family learning suggestions. Such resources are available through Creating Web Pages. Think about resources for students and their families as you look at these Homework Helper sites.

  52. The Kidlink Network
  53. Yahooligans!


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